Top 4 Benefits of Playing Sports on a Youth Team
Kids who play on a youth sports team can enjoy some tremendous benefits that affect all areas of their life! These not only can help kids at their current age but can come in handy later in life as an adult! If you are trying to encourage your kids to play sports or thinking about signing your child up for a local team, it can be well worth the effort! Here are the top 4 benefits of playing sports on a youth team:
1. Physical Benefits
The most obvious benefits of playing sports on a youth team are the physical benefits, since regular physical activity helps to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints. When you play sports, this can also help to control weight and reduce fat! This is especially important in the modern era of technology where many children do not get enough exercise due to iPads, video games, and cell phones. Studies have shown kids who play sports are 8 times as likely to be active at age 24 as kids who do not play sports, so this is the time to get your child motivated to play!
2. Educational Benefits
Physical activity is generally associated with improved academic achievement and a high degree of success in the classroom. Various data has demonstrated kids who play youth sports have higher grade point averages and higher standardized test scores, which leads to a better chance of attending college. Additionally, kids who play on a youth team often have better attitudes, concentration, and behavior in a classroom environment.
3. Social Benefits
Another one of the top benefits of playing sports on a youth team is the social benefit, as teamwork requires constant interaction and the ability to work together to achieve a certain goal. Sports teach children to respect people and institutions above them, such as their parents, teachers, and laws. However, most importantly, sports teach kids how to respect their opponents which is a central part of every game. Other social benefits of playing youth sports includes improved self esteem, better goal setting, and a sense of leadership.
4. Career Benefits
When you are signing your child up for a youth sports team, it’s unlikely you are thinking about their future career at that time. Playing sports can actually have some huge benefits down the road when it comes to a career! In fact, a recent survey of Executive Vice Presidents from Fortune 500 companies showed 95 percent of these people played sports when they were younger! While sports participation doesn’t necessarily lead to higher incomes and better jobs, there is no doubt that team work, hard work, and determination can prepare your kids to become the leaders of tomorrow.
Now since you know the top benefits of playing sports on a youth team, check out all of our upcoming youth sports tournaments today to join the fun! We look forward to seeing your kids on the field soon at Rocky Top Sports World!