Rocky Top Sports World Hosts World Cube Association
GATLINBURG, TN – Rocky Top Sports World, managed by Sports Facilities Management, hosted a World Cube Association competition for the 3rd year this past weekend, December 7-8th, 2019. The World Cube association governs competitions for mechanical puzzles such as the Rubik’s Cube.
This year’s event had 100 total competitors who journeyed from as far as China, India and Malaysia. The United States was well represented with competitors from California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee and Wisconsin who aimed to showcase their skills.
The puzzle events included traditional cubes, ranging in size from 2x2x2 up to 7x7x7, as well as pyraminx, a triangular Rubik’s Cube, square-1, a shape-shifting 3-layered twisty puzzle and skewb, a corner-turning twisty puzzle. The competition also included a number of rounds with competitors blindfolded or tasked with utilizing just their feet to solve.
The World Cube Association will be hosting another competition at Rocky Top Sports World next year on December 5-6th, 2020. Results from this year’s competition, as well as more information on the World Cube Association, can be found by visiting https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/competitions/RockyTop2019.