Top 5 Health Benefits of Playing Volleyball at Rocky Top Sports World
Rocky Top Sports World is the perfect place to host your next volleyball tournament! With 12 indoor courts (and five more onsite), bleacher seating, three team rooms, and our very own restaurant, our sports facilities have everything you need for an amazing volleyball event.
In addition to being a ton of fun, playing volleyball is also one of the best ways to stay in shape. Here are the top five health benefits of playing volleyball at our Smoky Mountain sports complex:
1. Burns Fat and Calories
One of the best benefits of playing volleyball is that it helps to burn off calories. As a result, your body can effectively maintain a positive ratio between muscle and fat. It has been estimated that just a half hour game of competitive volleyball can burn anywhere from 120 to 178 calories, while a less competitive game may result in 90 to 133 calories burned off. Volleyball is a great way to maintain a healthy weight, which reduces the risks of heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
2. Builds and Tones Muscles
The physical motions used while playing volleyball help to build the muscles in your upper and lower body. You squat and use your legs for power when passing the ball, and use your hands, arms, and legs to set the ball. Since playing volleyball requires constant use of the arms and legs, you are effectively gaining the benefits of a full body workout! In addition to building strength and improving your respiratory and cardiovascular systems, you will receive the added benefit of toning your muscles.
3. Improved Mental Health
When you play in a volleyball tournament at our Smoky Mountain sports complex and work together with your team to achieve a common goal, you will strengthen friendships and feel a sense of group cohesion. Team sports are also a fantastic way to improve your self confidence and reduce stress. The positive feelings you get from playing volleyball will transfer over to other areas of your life off the court as well! Another one of the great volleyball benefits is how much better you’ll feel on a day-to-day basis.
4. Builds Coordination, Balance, and Speed
New volleyball players quickly improve their coordination, balance, and speed. The sport involves all of these important abilities, since the game play consists of serving, passing, setting, blocking, and much more. These essential skills are used constantly to be effective in volleyball games, so you will notice yourself developing these skills more with each match!
5. Increased Aerobic Activity
While it may seem surprising, studies have shown that someone playing even a slow paced 20 minute game of volleyball can use the identical amount of energy as a person jogging for a mile. By playing a more intense game of volleyball, you use the same amount of energy in just 12 minutes as someone jogging a mile! Longer and more competitive games have even more tremendous health benefits. In addition to enhancing your energy level, your increased aerobic activity will improve your performance in a variety of other sports.
You’ll enjoy experiencing these great volleyball benefits! Check out our Tournaments & Camps page to see all of the upcoming events at our Smoky Mountain sports complex!