4 Reasons to Make Playing Sports in Gatlinburg Your New Year’s Resolution
If your goal for 2015 is to be happier, healthier, and more successful, you just need to make one New Year’s resolution: playing in a Rocky Top Sports World tournament! We have put together four reasons participating in a tournament at our Gatlinburg sports complex should be on your to-do list for the coming year:
1. Health Benefits
There are numerous health benefits to playing sports, as physical activity contributes tremendously to a healthy lifestyle. In addition to burning calories and controlling your weight, physical activity helps you to strengthen your muscles and bones. As a result of being physically fit, you significantly reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and other ailments. As a result, those who are physically active tend to live longer lives. Playing sports is also a major factor in promoting mental health, as physical activity is known to help fight depression and anxiety by releasing endorphins and lifting your mood.
2. Friendships
By participating in a tournament at Rocky Top Sports World, you are likely to meet new friends and strengthen your relationship with old ones. By working together to achieve a common goal, many players develop bonds with their teammates that last a lifetime. When playing sports, you are able to befriend people you otherwise would not have met, because sports brings together individuals from a variety of different backgrounds and communities. More often than not, the friends you make at sports tournaments become part of your life off the field as well.
Whether it is soccer, volleyball, or basketball, playing in a tournament allows you to develop leadership skills. Sports tournaments provide the opportunity to be surrounded by other competitive individuals and role models, including both your teammates and coaches. Playing team sports is a unique chance to demonstrate your personal leadership abilities, whether it is through becoming a team captain or making individual decisions to improve the team’s success. These leadership skills become valuable for other important areas of your life, including your education, career, and personal life.
4. Teamwork
Learning how to function within a team environment is another reason why playing in a tournament at our Gatlinburg sports complex should be your New Year’s resolution. Teamwork creates several positive attributes that contribute to personal success in both the sports world and the non-sports world. For example, teamwork involves being dependable for your teammates, as well as learning to rely on your teammates for a successful outcome. In addition, teamwork makes you accountable for your actions in the overall performance of the team. As a result, you learn to be responsible for your personal actions outside of a sports tournament. By participating in a tournament team, you are developing and practicing social skills which become a part of your everyday life.
Sign up for a tournament at Rocky Top Sports World today and start 2015 on the right foot! Check out our Gatlinburg Tournament Registration page to see all of our upcoming events.