Gatlinburg Sports Events

Playing sports is a big part of many children’s lives, and that makes us happy. From performing better academically and improved social skills to overall healthier lifestyles, we know there are endless benefits of playing sports as a kid. But did you know that your child can enjoy even more perks when he or she engages in extra sports time during the summer with sports

Rocky Top Sports World is excited to host four unique sports tournaments in Gatlinburg in 2015! In the coming year, we are scheduled to host tournaments in Dodgeball, Kickball, 3v3 Basketball, as well as the Grasskickers Mom's Brunch and Break. During the Dodgeball, Kickball and 3vs3 Basketball sports tournaments in Gatlinburg, we will have play zones set up for children where they can enjoy a variety of jump houses and games at a cost of $5.00 per night or $15 for the entire tournament. Read on for everything you need to know these awesome sporting events in the Smoky Mountains

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