The Ultimate Game: Examining the Rules of Ultimate Frisbee
The game of ultimate frisbee is a unique sport that’s growing in popularity across the country. Ultimate frisbee, or just ultimate as some call it, is a non-contact, self-refereed sport played between 2 teams with a flying disc frisbee. Featuring numerous state-of-the-art synthetic turf fields, Rocky Top Sports World is the perfect place for ultimate lovers to get in a game of ultimate frisbee and even for beginners wanting to try something new! Here is a deeper dive into the rules of ultimate frisbee:
5 Things You Didn’t Know About the History of Volleyball
Volleyball lives at Rocky Top Sports World! Our 80 acre state-of-the-art sports campus is home to several youth volleyball competitions and events each year. Teams travel to Gatlinburg from across the country to compete in this great sport at Rocky Top Sports World. For more than 125 years volleyball has brought joy to generations of young athletes! Here are 5 things you didn’t know about the history of volleyball:
Why Youth Sports Are Important: 5 Lessons Your Child Will Learn
There’s a long list of reasons why youth sports are important. First and foremost, youth sports provide fun and excitement your child will absolutely love. Beyond that, the lessons learned through playing youth sports will last a lifetime! When your child participates in youth sports, he or she will be better equipped for the rest of their lives. We explore why youth sports are important with these 5 lessons your child will learn:
5 After Game Snack Ideas For Youth Sports Teams
Phew! That was a heart-pumping, down-to-the-wire game! Now it’s time to refuel. Especially if you have another game coming up soon. Great snacks that properly refuel and rehydrate your body can be in the difference in wins and losses in games with such small margins. Take the healthy route instead of falling for the convenient trashy snack! To help keep you at the top of your game, Rocky Top Sports World has put together a list of 5 after game snack ideas for youth sports teams:
3 Benefits of Playing Multiple Sports for Youth Athletes
A debate rages on at the youth sports level regarding participation in multiple sports: should children focus on, or “specialize,” in one sport, or should they participate in numerous different sports throughout the year? Major sports organizations including the NFL, MLB, NHL, NCAA and U.S. Olympic Committee have all voiced their support for multi-sport play among youth athletes as part of The Aspen Institute’s Project Play campaign. Here are 3 benefits of playing multiple sports for youth athletes:
4 Great Fundraising Ideas for Youth Sports Teams
As with any hobby, participating in youth athletics comes with a number of expenses. Whether you need to pay for uniforms, equipment, a bus, or something else, it helps to have some cash coming into your team’s treasury. Fortunately, there are many great fundraising activities and events that can generate money for your school or club. Rocky Top Sports World has put together a guide to four of our favorite fundraising ideas for youth sports teams.
6 Benefits of Playing Football That You Should Know
As one of the most popular sports in the U.S., football has tons of benefits for those who choose to play. There are multiple mental and physical perks to participating in football, including reducing anxiety, as well as providing an awesome workout. You would be surprised at how many areas of your life can be positively impacted by this sport. Here are 6 benefits of playing football that you should know:
5 Secret Benefits of Youth Sports
As kids are growing up, youth sports are great for many reasons. While the kids are out playing sports with their friends, they are also benefiting from it in many ways. Many kids take the friendships and life lessons they learn while playing youth sports with them throughout their entire life. There are a few extra benefits of youth sports that you may have never even thought about. Here are 5 secret benefits of youth sports:
Top 4 Benefits of Playing Sports on a Youth Team
Kids who play on a youth sports team can enjoy some tremendous benefits that affect all areas of their life! These not only can help kids at their current age but can come in handy later in life as an adult! If you are trying to encourage your kids to play sports or thinking about signing your child up for a local team, it can be well worth the effort! Here are the top 4 benefits of playing sports on a youth team:
Top 5 Ways to Motivate Your Youth Sports Team
When it comes to having a successful athletic team, motivation is incredibly important! If your team members don’t have the desire to improve and reach their full potential, it becomes much more difficult for your team to achieve goals and find success! Motivation is even more essential with youth sports because kids often need extra encouragement to be their best. Here are the top 5 ways to motivate your youth sports team:
6 Ways to Get Your Kids Excited to Play Youth Sports
Do you want your kids to play youth sports but you aren’t sure how to get them interested? There are plenty of ways you can get your kids excited to play youth sports! From watching games with them to exploring all kinds of sports, you will be able to find a way to get them to want to play. Here are 6 ways to get your kids excited to play youth sports:
Benefits of Youth Sports: 6 Benefits of Playing Basketball
Participating in youth basketball is a fun way to build friendships, learn teamwork skills and much more. Here’s a few benefits of playing basketball, and why you should allow your kids to be involved in the sport:
Benefits of Youth Sports: 5 Benefits of Playing Football
Youth football has become one of the most popular sports for young children. There are many advantages of playing football at a young age, and we know it’s extremely beneficial for your child to be a part of a team sport. Here’s a few benefits of football and how the sport can help your child grow:
10 of the Best Kid Sports Movies and Shows and Where to Watch
When your family is missing the excitement of youth sports tournaments and games, spend time watching some of the best kid sports movies and TV shows! The second best thing to actually playing sports is watching them. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 10 of the best kid sports movies and TV shows and where you can watch!
5 Ways Kids Playing Sports Enhances Their Independence
Kids playing sports provides them with many valuable life lessons and disciplines. One of the most important things kids gain is independence. They learn how to tackle issues head on and rely on themselves and others. We can all agree sports are important in shaping who they are. Check out these 5 ways kids playing sports enhances their independence: