Trends in Youth Sports

When your child plays youth sports, we know you want to be the best parent you can be and make sure they’re set up for success! The most important thing to do is make sure your child is happy and having fun. It’s easy to get caught up in the game just like the players and coaches do, but you should always set a good example for your child. Check out these 8 tips for parents with kids who play youth sports:

Over the last 10 years, martial arts has become more popular in the United States. Instead of the traditional youth sports like football, basketball, and soccer, more kids are wanting to get involved in martial arts — and their parents support it too! At Rocky Top Sports World, we’ve held our fair share of martial arts events and tournaments. Read on to find out 5 benefits of youth martial arts and why it’s becoming more popular.

Sometimes it’s not until you’re given a challenge that you realize how strong you are. When you play youth sports, you learn the importance of working hard to achieve goals, like winning a game. There have been many youth athletes who have overcome obstacles to have a shining moment, and it’s these moments that become an inspiration to other youth athletes. Here are 4 true youth sports stories that will inspire you.

A team can’t be successful without teamwork! When you’re coaching a youth sports team, the best thing to teach them is the importance of teamwork. Learning at a young age what it’s like to be a part of a team and how to work well with others will benefit them throughout the rest of their lives. If you are looking to improve teamwork on your youth sports team, follow these 5 tips:

Joining a travel sports team can be a great opportunity for young athletes! Designed for the most talented and dedicated players, these elite teams travel far and wide to compete in games and tournaments with the best of the best. While playing on a travel team can be an amazing experience, it is also a significant commitment for young athletes and their families. As you decide whether travel sports are right for your child, be sure to keep the following factors in mind.

It is no coincidence that a large percentage of CEOs and elected officials were athletes in their youth! As many business and political leaders will tell you, they started to develop the skills that have served them well throughout their careers when they were student-athletes. Here at Rocky Top Sports World, we have seen first hand how playing sports brings out the best in kids and young adults. Read on to learn the top seven traits that make student-athletes great leaders.

Although it is often overlooked, culture is one of the most important aspects of a youth sports team. A positive culture makes playing on a team fun and rewarding, while a toxic culture can stress athletes out and sabotage their performance. Bo Hanson, a former Olympic athlete and coaching consultant, defines team culture as “the way we behave on this team.” The behavior of athletes on a team is a reflection of the team’s values, so a good team culture starts with a set of shared principles. To help you create a successful culture for your youth sports team, Rocky Top Sports World has put together the following four tips.

If you tend to get nervous before playing in a big game, you’re not alone. Athletes of all professional levels and abilities get pre-game jitters, which often include racing thoughts, pounding heartbeats, and/or shaking legs. While these feelings are totally normal, severe performance anxiety can sabotage your ability to play effectively. Fortunately, there are a number of tricks you can employ to keep your pre-game jitters under control.

A movie night can be the perfect bonding experience for a youth sports team! Gathering the whole team together to watch a classic film filled with underdog heroes and uplifting themes is just the thing to inspire your players. Of course, not every movie you watch has to have a thoughtful message; sometimes an evening full of belly laughs is just what your team needs. To help you plan the perfect movie night, Rocky Top Sports World has put together a guide to the top five youth sports movies of all time.

Kids play sports for a variety of reasons: to make friends, to stay active, and, first and foremost, to have fun. Unfortunately, the presence of a bully on a team has the potential to overshadow all of the best parts of playing youth sports. According to the National Alliance for Youth Sports, one in seven children in grades K - 12 is a victim of bullying or is a bully themselves. The group dynamics of a sports team can make young athletes especially susceptible to bullying.

It’s no secret that playing youth sports comes with its fair share of expenses. Between the cost of equipment, team dues, and traveling, money spent on children’s athletics can add up quickly. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and tricks parents can employ to stay under budget. Rocky Top Sports World has put together five of our favorite strategies for saving money on youth sports.

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